
Wellness Wednesdays at PTHR

I recently wrote an article for Fast Company about companies that have adopted 4-day weeks during the pandemic. They’ve discovered during the lockdown that responding to the demands

By |2021-07-26T10:37:29-07:00August 31st, 2020|4-day workweek, Business and work, Companies, SHORTER, UK|Comments Off on Wellness Wednesdays at PTHR

My Fast Company article on the pandemic and 4-day week

I've got a new piece in Fast Company about how companies are moving from lockdown to 4-day weeks: Many businesses that moved to remote work in response to

By |2021-07-26T10:40:11-07:00August 20th, 2020|4-day workweek, Articles, Pandemic, SHORTER, Top post, Writing|Comments Off on My Fast Company article on the pandemic and 4-day week

What online and offline chess tournaments can tell us about the impact of lockdowns on cognitive performance

  Researchers have been studying the productivity effects of remote work and work from home for years, and generally the results have trended in a positive direction. Stanford

By |2021-07-26T10:37:29-07:00August 5th, 2020|Flow, Health / Medicine / Wellness, Science, Work|Comments Off on What online and offline chess tournaments can tell us about the impact of lockdowns on cognitive performance

Morrisons UK set to trial a 4-day workweek

UK supermarket giant Morrisons has announced that it will trial a 4-day workweek at its Bradford corporate HQ, in the north of England. The headquarters will actually be

By |2021-07-26T10:37:29-07:00July 17th, 2020|4-day workweek, Business and work, Companies, UK|Comments Off on Morrisons UK set to trial a 4-day workweek

Joe Ryle on “Why Conservatives should support a four-day week”

Last year during the UK general election, the Labour Party embraced the idea of moving the country to a 4-day week, and Tories did a fabulous job of

By |2021-07-26T10:37:29-07:00June 24th, 2020|4-day workweek, Politics and Policy, SHORTER, UK|1 Comment

Talking about the 4-day week on Better Life Lab’s “Crisis Conversations”

Last Friday I joined panel featuring Brigid Schulte, Manar Morales (Diversity and Flexibility Alliance President & CEO), Richard Gegick (leader of the Restaurant Opportunities Center), and Kendra Goodenough

The 4-day week and the shape of post-pandemic work in Asia

Recently in a number of countries, politicians have raised the idea of post-pandemic economies adopting a 4-day workweek as a way of boosting tourism and leisure spending, making

“A shorter workweek could provide specific benefits during our economic recovery.”

Recently Justin Trudeau joined the chorus of national leaders who have spoken favorably about the 4-day week. Now, British Columbia Green Party politician Sonia Furstenau argues that "A

By |2021-07-26T10:38:00-07:00June 3rd, 2020|4-day workweek, Business and work, Current Affairs|Comments Off on “A shorter workweek could provide specific benefits during our economic recovery.”
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