Today we took the kids to the British Museum, so they could see the Rosetta Stone and other Egyptian and Greek art (thank you, Rick Riordan!).

From today's visit to the British Museum
via flickr

They liked it, though the day was quite full, and they went straight to bed after they got home.

From today's visit to the British Museum
via flickr

I have to admit: after a month away from them, I’d forgotten how exhausting children are. I’ve had a month without kids for the first time in twelve years, and it’s incredible how much I’ve been able to think and read. I need to learn to protect my time and attention more in my normal California life.

After the British Museum, we went to the V&A, Science Museum, and Natural History Museum (all of which are close together, so it wasn’t that insane), and Hamleys, the huge toy store. Regent Street was beautiful this evening, though it usually is.

From today's visit to the British Museum
via flickr

When we got home, my son said, “It’s good to be back in Cambridge.” Brilliant.