Danish journalist and business consultant Pernille Garde Abildgaard, author of the book The Secret of the 4-Day Week, spoke at TEDx Copenhagen Salon about “The secret of the 4-day week:”

I believe a four-day workweek revolution is on its way…. The revolution will be lit by visionary and opportunistic business owners, because they are the ones with the most to gain [from] a four-day workweek. They will be able to attract the brightest minds, and they will be the sustainable businesses of tomorrow.

And the revolution will be lit by you guys. You have seen your parents dreams crumble in stress and late-night email checking and you want another life…. We can together create a work life where joy, high productivity, and quality of life win over hamster wheels…. Don’t put up with a five-day workweek when all the data shows it’s old school and it’s eating our lives.

I really like Pernille’s book: it’s organized around a deep dive into IIH Nordic, one of the companies I also profile in my book SHORTER: WORK BETTER, SMARTER, AND LESS– HERE’S HOW; but she’s able to go into a lot more detail into how IIH Nordic works, and how they managed the shift to a 4-day week, than I was able to in my broader survey. The two books complement each other nicely; alas, while hers has been translated into English, it seems not to be available through a US distributor. Yet, anyway.