In 2020, the Nova Scotia Municipality of the District of Guysborough introduced a 4-day workweek, which featured a combination of a shorter week and hybrid in-office and remote work (like what I proposed in my Atlantic article). Last week, Public Sector Executive published an article about how it’s going.

The most surprise thing is that there’s a lot of public support for it. In a recent survey,

“80-90% of the people who responded [were positive about the changes], which is very unusual in any form of government, in particular local government.
“We thought when we would survey the public, they would see it as employees getting perks and they wouldn’t support it.
“They’ve seen it in the big picture, what it means for young families, what it means for people that have day care, have kids and all that sort of stuff. So, we’re very surprised and happy to see the public response.”