
Morning edits

I got the page proofs for REST a few days ago, and am now working through them. It's always interesting and a little disorienting to see your words

By |2016-08-07T07:24:09-07:00August 7th, 2016|REST, Writers|Comments Off on Morning edits

“Who would call a day spent reading a good day? But a life spent reading — that is a good life.”

From Annie Dillard's The Writing Life: How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour, and that one,

By |2015-08-17T06:59:51-07:00August 17th, 2015|Advice, Writers|Comments Off on “Who would call a day spent reading a good day? But a life spent reading — that is a good life.”

John Ashberry on routine

John Ashberry on the importance of routine for a writer, from Jill Krementz's lovely little book, The Writer's Desk: It's important to try to write when you are

By |2015-08-16T16:25:31-07:00August 16th, 2015|Routines, Writers|Comments Off on John Ashberry on routine
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