Just when I was starting to respect the Harvard Business Review blogs, along comes this:

Technology has not ruined your work-life balance, it has simply exposed how boring your work and your life used to be. Did you ever try to figure out why it is so hard to stop checking your smartphone, even when you are having dinner with a friend you haven’t seen in ages, celebrating your anniversary, watching a movie, or out on a first date? It’s really quite simple: None of those things are as interesting as the constant hum of your e-mail, Facebook, or Twitter account. Reality is over-rated, especially compared to cyberspace. Technology has not only eliminated the boundaries between work and life, but also improved both areas.

So we want to constantly stay connected to work because that regular life– friends, movies, walking the dog– is so much less cool and awesome than seeing if the Art Department has made those changes, or getting the latest demand from a client for a status update?

Umm, no. Not even close to true.