Inflating giant balls

Well this looks interesting:

Once the poster girl for doing it all, after she had her first child, Tiffany Dufu, a renowned voice in the women’s leadership movement, struggled to accomplish everything she thought she needed to in order to succeed. Like so many driven and talented women who have been brought up to believe that to have it all, they must do it all, Tiffany began to feel that achieving her career and personal goals was an impossibility. Eventually, she discovered the solution: letting go. In Drop the Ball, Tiffany recounts how she learned to reevaluate expectations, shrink her to-do list, and meaningfully engage the assistance of others—freeing the space she needed to flourish at work and to develop deeper, more meaningful relationships at home.

Packed with actionable advice, Drop the Ball urges women to embrace imperfection, to expect less of themselves and more from others—only then can they focus on what they truly care about, devote the necessary energy to achieving their real goals, and create the type of rich, rewarding life we all desire.

Perhaps between this book (out in February 2017), mine (out in early December), and Tom Friedman’s Thank You for Being Late (out the week before), and Courtney Martin’s The New Better Off (which just came out), we’ll have a bona fide movement.

What’s interesting to me is that these books aren’t written for Jenna Maroney’s Crabcatchers (yes I’ve watched too much television in my lifetime): they’re not arguing that we should just make enough money to pay for the next beach party, but are written to appeal to people who are ambitious and want to do things with their lives (I assume anyone who reads Friedman sees themselves as a potential beneficiary of the trends he so loves to describe).